Arizona State University chemical engineering major Lindsay Fleming (left) posed with fellow attendees at E-Bootcamp, a prominent international student entrepreneurship conference at Stanford University. She’s with (left to right) Sanjay Rajpoot from University of Southern California, and Alberto Colombo and Elton Cheung from Northwestern University. (The sculpture is “Digital DNA,” by Adriana Varella and Nilton Malz, a seven- foot-tall egg-shaped sculpture made of steel and silicon computer circuit boards in Palo Alto, Calif., near the Stanford campus.)
Think of it like this: You’re part of a small, fledgling advertising agency that has promising talent but not a great amount of experience or a long track record.
Then there’s a surprise call from a major international corporation inviting your agency to make a pitch for their advertising business.
But your company can send only one representative. And, oh, one other thing, can you get your presentation ready to go in just a few days?
That’s close to the kind of situation ASU student Lindsay Fleming felt like she was in several weeks ago.
She was shocked when she received word of approval of her “spur of the moment” application to be her team’s pitcher at E-Bootcamp at Stanford University, a high-powered conference, workshop series and competition for leaders of promising entrepreneurial ventures being birthed by college students.
Fleming, a chemical engineering major in ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, is one of the founders of SafeSIPP (Sustainable Innovative Portable Purification), along with fellow chemical engineering students Jared Schoepf and Taylor Barker, and marketing and finance major Jacob Arredondo.