Above: Danang University of Technology students work on prototypes in their Arizona State University-supported Maker Innovation Space. Photo courtesy of the Global Outreach and Extended Education office at ASU
The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University challenges students to solve real-world engineering problems before graduation. Fulton Schools students follow a project-based learning pathway that encourages them to engineer real value through hands-on programs like the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative, the Engineering Projects in Community Service program, eProjects and Venture Devils.
ASU is mentoring six Vietnamese engineering and technology universities to integrate hands-on project-based learning programs into their curricula through the USAID Building University-Industry Learning and Development through Innovation and Technology project known as BUILD-IT. Through learning by doing, Vietnamese graduates will gain both the technical and 21st-century skills needed to thrive as professional engineers in Vietnam’s increasingly sophisticated economy.