Meeting Time

Tuesday 6PM

Project Description

There is a significant gap in the availability of adaptive sports equipment, particularly for individuals who have experienced the loss of one or both legs above the knee and wish to engage in snowboarding. While the market offers a variety of devices designed to facilitate adaptive skiing for amputees, similar innovations for snowboarding are notably absent. This discrepancy leaves above-the-knee amputees with few options to participate in snowboarding in a manner that closely resembles the traditional experience. The primary objective of this project is to conceptualize and develop a device that fills this void. The envisioned solution aims to enable above-the-knee amputees to snowboard by mimicking the natural motions of the sport, thereby making snowboarding more accessible and enjoyable for this demographic. This initiative not only seeks to bridge a significant gap in adaptive sports technology but also to enhance the quality of life and sporting inclusivity for amputees.