ASU Tree Carbon Capture
ASU’s Sustainability Practices is measuring the diameter of tree trunks around the Valley in order to estimate/catalogue the amount of carbon being sequestered. However, the measurement of these trees is very time and labor intensive as each currently needs to be measured individually, by hand. The community partner would like the Carbon Capture team to come up with a way of measuring the tree trunks automatically to make data collection more efficient.
Various avenues to measure diameter, like wrapping a measurement band around a tree and using cameras, have been brainstormed and investigated. The team has started prototyping various ways to measure tree diameter using a band around the tree trunk. How data could be sent from the measurement devices to the data collection app used by University Sustainability Practices is also being considered.
Team Members:
Sarah Mathis, Senior, Electrical Engineering
Kristian Peterson, Senior, Aerospace Engineering
Jessica Weinburger, Freshman, Computer Science
Kylie Welch, Sophomore, Electrical Engineering
Kerri Welch, Sophomore, Electrical Engineering
Jason Manuel, Junior, Computer Science