Selleh Park is a community park surrounded by a neighborhood in the city of Tempe. The problem we are currently trying to address is the water quality in the park’s pond. The water quality has decreased so much that there is currently less wildlife surrounding or living within the pond. We need to find a way to improve the water’s quality over time. The aerator we are building must be made out of recycled/waste materials. It should also rely on wind power as the energy source instead of electricity so that it will be as inexpensive as possible. Anne Till is our current community partner that we are working with to improve Selleh Pond’s water quality. She lives near the park in the neighborhood that surrounds the park. She is currently working with the city of Tempe and the neighborhood association that she organized to improve the park, focusing on the water quality at this moment. Anne and the neighborhood association have already purchased commercial floating gardens that will be implemented soon. Anne is also trying to work with another person on ordering an aerator which needs electricity to function.

Team Members:
Francheska Manzano, Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering
Thera Manuel, Sophomore, Computer Science
Community Partner:Anne Till
Others Involved/Effected: City of Tempe and its residents, the neighborhood association started up by Anne Till, and Game and Fish department