Improved Waste Systems
Currently at Arizona State University there is no good solution to solving the recycling issue regarding specific streams of recyclables. There are only two bins on campus that take in E-waste, light bulbs, batteries, and soft plastics. These bins are labeled poorly and not located in optimal locations (Noble Library and the Memorial Union); as a result, the bins have proven to be an insufficient method of disposing waste. Furthermore, almost always all the streams are contaminated with trash. Our proposed solution is to redesign the bins to have lids to reduce contamination. Furthermore, we plan to have bins placed into the dorms so students will not have to walk across campus to properly recycle. We also will work hard to increase awareness about what can and cannot be recycled through posters and surveys posted around campus. Work to date includes trying to collect data on the prototype that was placed inside the Student Pavillion last spring. In addition, the team will use this information to develop a new model that will be sent to be produced by a manufacturer well before the end of the semester.

Team Members:
McKyla Beuttler, Junior, Electrical Engineering
Jason Buis, Junior, Computer Science
Andrew Wood, Junior, Human Systems Engineering
Community Partner: Joshua Ellner