The team’s community partner is Rich Sartor, the director of living collections at the Phoenix Zoo in Phoenix, Arizona. Sartor is is responsible for managing all of the zookeepers throughout the different animal departments. The keepers ensure that the animals physical and behavioral needs are met. These needs include exceptional veterinary care, proper diets, and recreational activities. Although the zoo is able to care for their animals, the existing technology they use to meet the animals’ needs is adequate at best. Many of the existing technologies are low-tech and inefficient. For example, Sartor brought in a rudimentary cat toy that had sustained significant damage and needed to be replaced. In addition, these technologies do not foster meaningful interactions between the animals and visitors. The zoo would like to address this shortcoming so that more guests are likely to visit the zoo.

Team Members:
Sean Keller, Sophomore, Electrical Engineering
Moyosore Josepha Samuel-Ojo, Freshman, Aerospace Engineering
Heather Thompson, Freshman, Mechanical Engineering
Grace Shea, Freshman, Aerospace Engineering
Evan Holfelder, Freshman, Electrical Engineering
Zakariya Albinai, Sophomore, Civil Engineering
Alondra Hernandez, Sophomore, Civil Engineering
Community Partner: Rich Sartor and the Phoenix Zoo