In late 2017, Hurricane Maria caused extensive damage to the island of Puerto Rico, compounding the already-present economic distress. The island now has limited access to clean drinking water and electricity. Many water sources are contaminated. Transportation and communication is also difficult and has only worsened due to the tragedy. The challenge that we face is to devise a solution to one of the issues present in Puerto Rico, which include water filtering/reuse, alternative fuel sources, and transportation, among others. Our solution must also accommodate a limited budget and restricted ability to import materials.


Team Members

Caleb Redshaw, Freshman, Mechanical Engineering

Chester Szatkowski, Freshman, Mechanical Engineering

Riley Tesman, Sophomore, Civil/Environmental engineering

Huong Dang, Freshman, Environmental Engineering

Ann Weter, Freshman, Civil/Sustainable Engineering

JonElle Reyes, Freshman, Engineering Management


Community Partner: ArribaPR

Others Involved: Jessica Gonzales, Population of Mariana