ASU’s Hayden library is presently undergoing renovations to update their space, furniture, and equipment. Jesse Lopez, the community partner who represents the library’s interests, has asked EPICS (and their teams) to redesign some of the furniture and equipment that the library uses. According to Jesse- and the other representatives Ashley and Victor- one of the furniture pieces that needs to be redesigned is the Territorial Cup Display (TCD). The TCD is currently on the main floor of the Hayden Library in ASU Tempe, located to the right of entrance, next to the bathrooms. The TCD is made of two display glass display cases that are not interactive or attractive. The display is also very textual based- a spectator sees a few posters that are filled to the margins with words- and lacking in terms of the other historical ASU Football stories. These observations have pained not only Jesse- who is a big fan of Football- but also other visitors of Hayden library who are otherwise deprived of the full spirit of ASU football.
In definition, the current TCD will be replaced with a new display that incorporates more aesthetically pleasing and interactive components and more ASU football stories and memorabilia. And, because of other facts and concerns expressed from the CPs, Sparky’s Design Firm’s solution is projected to be situated in the same spot, to be made of lighter and recyclable materials, and to be valued at $2000 or less. In summary, Sparky’s Design Firm is approaching the problem head-on by ensuring that their solution counters all pain points as described by the community partners.
Team Members
Aidan Davis, Freshman, Construction Management
Asif Razack, Sophomore, Biomedical Engineering
Elysha Tun, Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering
Reneé Yaw, Freshman, Computer Science