3D Printed Dental Implants

Meeting Time  Monday 7PM Project Description  In collaboration with a non-profit that owns a 3D scanner. The team will work with dentists to develop a method to allow people in rural community to obtain new dental implants, prosthetics, etc. through the use of...

Modular Solar Noise Barriers

Modular Solar Noise Barriers Meeting Time  Monday 7PM Project description  The aim of this project is to design and develop a prototype of a modular solar noise barrier that combines solar energy production with noise absorption characteristics. The project will focus...

3D Printed Prosthetics E-Nabled

3D Printed Prosthetics E-Nabled Meeting Time  Tuesday 5 PM Project Description  This will be the first semester of the project. Teams will work with the E-Nabled, 3D printed prosthetic. Using the E-Nabled 3D printing community, the team will work to find a partner who...

Ag-Tech Weather Monitoring Station

Ag-Tech Weather Monitoring Station Meeting Time  Monday 7 PM Project Description The team will be designing a system to measure key parameters that relate to farming. Many small-scale farmers are unable to afford technologies to improve their crop. The team...