Fall 2018 FSE 494 Projects

Below are a list of the current projects that are underway by current EPICS Students. By clicking on the project, a more in-depth description of the project and its team members can be found. Check out the amazing and impactful projects that are happenings at the nightly team meetings which undergraduate and graduate students are working on!

Air Quality Khambhat, Tempe Campus

Project Air Quality Khambhat has goals to reduce the amount of silica in the air to 50ppb with an effective, sustainable, and efficient solution in the Khambhat Community.


Animatronic Dinosaur, Polytechnic Campus

This EPICS Project is working closely with The Arizona Museum of Natural History to make improvements to their animatronic dinosaurs they have displayed in their museum. 


Arcosanti Grey Water, Tempe Campus 

Arcosanti does not have a water storage, so we are not filling a need for them, but instead we are exploring a new area to see if it can be used to lower net water expenditure, both in water required to be brought into a community, and waste water flowing out of the community.

Bridge2Africa, Tempe Campus

The focus of this project is to help the people of South Africa with conjunction with the organization, Bridge2Africa. They are an organization dedicated to improving the lives of communities by connected them using technology. They hope to expanded entrepreneurship, innovation, and digital citizenship through the expansion of many technological concepts, and teaching them to the public.

Da Nang Vietnam, Tempe Campus

**GIE Experience**

This project is partnered with DUT (Da Nang University of Technology) in Da Nang, Vietnam. This team is working to come up with solutions to deal with the lack of clean water in Vietnam.. Due to the rapid and ongoing urbanization and industrialization, improved municipal and industrial wastewater treatment is a critical need. The same goes for air quality and flooding.


EWB Pump Track, Tempe Campus

The student organization, Engineers Without Boarders tackles on EPICS! This project is working with the Shonto Chapter of the Navajo Indian Nation in Northern Arizona to provide them with a source of ecotourism and outdoor activities for the children of the community.

EWB Shonto Solar, Tempe Campus

This is a joint EPICS and EWB Team working with the Shonto Nation is northern Arizona. This project is helping the Shonto Nation find sustainable sources of energy using solar power and wind power.

EWB Shonto Water Pump, Tempe Campus

The mission of the Shonto Community Governance is to improve the economic conditions of the Shonto people and land.  Shonto is located in Navajo County, Arizona. One challenge that they currently face regards providing their community drinking water.  

Floating Gardens, Tempe Campus

Interested in water quality? This may be the project for you! Work to improve the water quality to help the development of wildlife.

Headcount, Tempe Campus

This project aims to create an electronic people-counting solution for large, indoor ASU events. 

Improved Campus Waste Team 6, Tempe Campus

ASU Zero Waste supports university sustainability initiatives through engagement, operations, planning, and visioning. The deliverables for this project revolve around developing more aesthetically pleasing and better methods to collect unwanted items that are thrown away by college students. 

Kinetic Power Display, Tempe Campus

This team is partnered with the Sun Devil Fitness Complex on the Tempe Campus. They will be creating an educational display to inform students that their power is not nearly enough to supply power to commonly used household items.


Mayo Clinic Radiology Imaging, Tempe Campus

This EPICS team is partnered with the Mayo Clinic at Phoenix Hospital and is working on solutions to increase comfort for patients getting chest x-rays.

Medical Storage Sensor – Chemonics, Tempe Campus

Chemonics is delivering pharmaceuticals to third world countries in need of the medical supplies. The temperature of the storage containers in which these medical supplies are being shipped is not monitored, and extreme temperatures can alter the effects of the supplies. 

NASA Psyche QR Code, Tempe Campus

The Psyche Mission is a project on the Tempe Campus. Their community partner is looking for a model or lesson plan that highlights one or more of the advanced technologies being developed for the PSYCHE satellite before the launch of the satellite in August 2022. 

NASA PSYCHE Mission, Tempe Campus

*NEW PROJECT!!* Excite children by showing how instrumentation on the NASA Psyche Mission functions in an interactive manner for K-8 audiences.

Phoenix Zoo – Cooling & Heating Beds, Tempe Campus

*NEW PROJECT!!* Create an big-cat proof heating and cooling bed to be used at the Phoenix Zoo to make the Arizona Climate more palatable for the animals.



Phoenix Zoo Elephant Sensor, Tempe Campus

The elephants at the Phoenix Zoo are not receiving sufficient exercise and mental stimulation during their time in the enclosure/yard from the current toys and activities that are available to them. Work to develop new methods to help the elephants. 

REAP Sustainable Greenhouse, Tempe Campus

REAP (Reentry and Preparedness) strives to help individuals who have had long-term unemployment in civil society including veterans, former inmates, and homeless individuals. Food security is also a huge issue in today’s world.

SkiMed, Tempe Campus

Third-world countries depend on the production of drugs and vaccines to keep their constituents healthy. Due to poor road conditions, the delivery process consumes much of the usable lifespan of these drugs, resulting in a minimally-effective dosage of medication being delivered to the consumer.

SLIDC, Tempe Campus 

Students in developing countries do not have access to light by which to study as soon as the sun sets, and must spend much of the time while the sun is up for necessary functions, so a method must be introduced that will allow students to study during the nighttime.

Sustainable Solar Enzyme Cooler, Tempe Campus

At the center of this project is a professor at the University of Agriculture Makurdi, in Makurdi, Benue Nigeria, named Dr. John Ikuba Ona. Dr. Ona does extensive research on enzymes and thus has a high demand for them. The proposed solution for Dr. Ona is an off-the-grid enzyme cooler. 

Water Saving Retrofits, Tempe Campus

The ASU School of Substainability has a goal of reducing overall ASU water use by fifty percent by 2020, specifically concerned with this is the Water Savings Office. To do that will require reducing water used by food production, research, and of course bathrooms.